вторник, 17 ноября 2009 г.

jQuery Tooltip Widget - jTooltip

jQuery Plugin is an advanced tooltip widget for the ever popular jQuery JavaScript framework.

A tooltip is a small overlay that sits over the main page that can be used to provide content or functionality that does not need to be always visible. Tooltips usually look like a small box or callout and can be trigged by a wide range of events.

Visit demo page to see jtooltip behavior and code example.

Project Requirements

There are a few requirements you need to meet before you can use jTooltip as a tooltip renderer, the most obvious of which is the inclusion of the jQuery library 1.3. You can grab the latest version here.
Position utility: jTooltips employ collision detection and iframe protection via the Wiki Position utility.

Template plugin to get posibility create template strings for dynamic data load via JSON.

    bgiframe plugin to fix select-problems in IE, just include to apply to tooltip;

Downloading jTooltip

It is recommended you download the latest version of jTooltip to ensure you have the latest bug fixes and features available to date. You can do this by visiting our download page which contain all Lastest information and bug tracking information.
